
Darmowe płatki róż / Free Rose Petals

Aby je dostać:
1. Zmień proxy na port 80
-kliknij TUTAJ jeśli nie wiesz jak
2. Kliknij ten LINK, odczekaj chwilkę i wyłącz proxy.
3. Zaloguj się a następnie weź udział w konkursie.

 To get them you have to:

1. Change proxy to port 80
  - click HERE if you don't know how
2. Then click this LINK
3. Wait a while and then turn off the proxy.
4. Log into your account. 
5.Now take a part in the contest.


  1. *OMG* love this freebie ^^ it is amazing:) i wish they could release also a pair...like the autumn leaves ^^ *LoL*

  2. Little eralie for valentines day right?? :P Just kidding, very nice (and romantic... :S) THANK :D

  3. johanna you are totally right!^^ it also gave me the feeling of Valentine's day!! ^^ that's the first thing i also thought ^^ but here in Brazil this you be a big bit late, rather than early *LoL* cause here we celebrate this day on June 12 ;)


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