
Darmowa postać / Free cartoon character

Aby ją dostać należy:
1. Użyć serwera proxy : http://proxoin.com/
2. W puste okienko URL wpisać : www.stardoll.com 
3. Zalogować się.
4. Następnie kolejno wklejać podane niżej adresy i klikać na obrazki liści (po lewej albo prawej stronie ekranu - czasami trzeba pomniejszyć obraz )
1) http://www.stardoll.com/en/magazine/
2) http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/medoll.php
3) http://www.stardoll.com/en/account/
4) http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/sellItems.php
5) http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/album.php
5. Opuścić serwer proxy.
To get it you have to:
1.Use proxy server like :http://proxoin.com/
2. Enter : www.stardoll.com  in the blank URL bar.
3. Log into your account.
4. Paste the following links into URL bar and try to find a leaf on each page ( just click on the picture - they are on the left and right side of the page)
1) http://www.stardoll.com/en/magazine/
2) http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/medoll.php
3) http://www.stardoll.com/en/account/
4) http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/sellItems.php
5) http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/album.php
5. Leave the proxy server.


  1. i did everything as described, got the freeebies, but i can't locate them on my suite... anything may be wrong... any tip?

  2. wait...wait...wait...only now i paid more attention... we had to find the items to earn the character. oh .. my mistake! i inderstood everything so wrong :/ what a big deal from stardoll and i am not surprised...not anymore.

  3. i can't find the leaf on my bazaar page

    1. If you can't find it -try to zoom out your page ( click "Ctrl" and " - " ) and then when you find it click " Ctrl " and "0" :) I hope I helped ;)

  4. nie podoba mi sie, nie robię

    1. A mi w sumie się przydała przy tworzeniu nowego pomieszczenia ;D


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