Aby go dostać należy:
1. Użyć serwera proxy : http://unblocker.biz/
2. W puste okienko URL wpisać : stardoll.com
3. Zalogować się .
4. Ponownie wpisać: www.stardoll.com/en/do/campaign/jessiegbGift.php
5. Opuścić serwer proxy.
To get it you have to:
1.Use proxy server like : http://unblocker.biz/
2. Enter: stardoll.com
3. Log into your account.
4. Now enter: www.stardoll.com/en/do/campaign/jessiegbGift.php5. Leave proxy server.
The proxy server doesn't let me go on
Well, I have no idea why, it works for me O_O
Deletenie robię bo mi się nie chce i za bardzo o nie podoba mi się
ReplyDeleteAnon>> the CTRL+C /CTRL+V as i did not work, i think there's a space before the www. So the proxy returns as 404 error, but paste in a note and then revise the URL to take off the space ( we baddress ) paste again and it will work it comes in a blue bag :) it happens sometimes, blank spaces are small and sometimes we don't know they're there ;)
ReplyDeleteBTW... a pity this is not animated...
wow ahahahahah Cute I like it ;)