
Ostatni kawałek puzzli / The last puzzle piece

Aby go dostać należy:
1. Użyć serwera proxy : http://3proxy.de/
2. W puste okienko URL wpisać : stardoll.com
3. Zalogować się .
4. Ponownie wpisać: http://www.stardoll.com/pl/contest/view.php?id=2188
5. Wziąć udział w konkursie.
To get it you have to:
1.Use proxy server like : http://3proxy.de/
2. Enter: stardoll.com
3. Log into your account.
4. Now enter: http://www.stardoll.com/pl/contest/view.php?id=2188
5. Take a part in the contest and leave proxy server.


  1. the final picture looks nice :)

  2. Anonymous2/07/2012

    i dont like the idea of this competiton stardoll made, its sorta anoying, i lost all my peices, they got jumbled, so i gave up :P

  3. those so many pieces got me a bit confused, i think i need to count them and set them to see if i got them all :)

  4. cool ;) got i t;)


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