
BLACK FRIDAY - new campaign / CZARNY PIATEK - nowa kampania

Stardoll said:
It’s that time of the year again. Black Friday is here! To celebrate the unofficial day for shopaholics around the world we've dusted, polished and loaded your Gift-O-Meter with some amazing gifts waiting for you to collect. It's simple. Just shop, shop and shop to see the Gift-O-Meter fill up, up up - and unlock all 15 gifts when you reach the end!
Nov 16 - 23 Only Starplaza purchases will count towards the Gift-O-Meter.
What do you think about it?
Stardoll napisał:
Znowu nadszedł ten czas. ´Czarny Piątek` już jest! Ażeby uczcić ten nieoficjalny dzień zakupoholików odkurzyliśmy, wypolerowaliśmy i załadowaliśmy Twój Gift-O-Meter całą masą niesamowitych prezentów.To proste. Kupuj, kupuj, kupuj i patrz jak Gift-O-Meter rośnie- następnie zbierz wszystkie 15 prezentów!
16 - 23 Listopad Tylko artykuły zakupione w Starplazie będą się liczyć do Gift-O-Meter.
Co sądzicie o tej okazji? ;)


  1. i don't think it's really worth it...

  2. i want the 4 starcoins dress! *o*

  3. I have the SD items already, I'm saving SC to have the SC ones too. There are some nice items :)


  4. Eee... Nie podoba mi się ten pmysł.

  5. I don't really like a lot of the items, I do like the romper on the right though! Anyone know if you'll be able to sell these in the starbazaar? - applemartini

  6. i like just some of them .... :/ but im still not sure if I gonna spend that much money soo .....

  7. Anonymous11/18/2012

    Super ubranka, mam już kilka :)

  8. Anonymous11/18/2012

    I hate it how they always seem to do this the day after I spend all my money

  9. Lol, I've gotten most of these these by accident! I wish they gave away nicer clothes though, Nothing I've gotten so far looks that good on my doll! - applemartini



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