To get it just go to Kitsch - CLICK ,
check out the second floor and buy it for 0 sm.
Do you think it's only glitch?
EDIT: That was a glitch - you can buy the flowers for 85 sc right now.
Thanks QUEEN_MIRABELL for letting us know about it.
EDIT: That was a glitch - you can buy the flowers for 85 sc right now.
Thanks QUEEN_MIRABELL for letting us know about it.
Aby go dostać , udaj się do sklepu Kitsch - KLIK,
odszukaj wazon na drugiej stronie i kup go za 0 sc.
Sądzicie , że to może być tylko błąd?
EDIT: To był tylko błąd - teraz kwiaty można kupić za 85 starmonet.
Podziękowania dla QUEEN_MIRABELL za informację.
EDIT: To był tylko błąd - teraz kwiaty można kupić za 85 starmonet.
Podziękowania dla QUEEN_MIRABELL za informację.
Beautiful but it's a pity that we can buy it only once ;-(
ReplyDeleteI just loove roses :D Think it's my 4th or 5th rose bouqet and then there's all the single roses I got offc xD But I have to agree with QUEEN_MIRABELL, it's a shame we only get to buy one ;) But I wouldn't be surprised it it's gonna be really cheap to get in the bazar some time :D
ReplyDeletecool! - applemartini
dzięki za info :)
ReplyDeleteIt's different at least. Very cool.
ReplyDelete:D dzięki, szkoda że można kupić tylko jeden
ReplyDeleteinteresting design, I love it!
ReplyDeleteGlitch, yes ;)
ReplyDeleteOMG there are hotbuys from December 2011 still available in Kitsch!!
ReplyDeleteMe likes it(; This blog is sssooooh cool!
ReplyDeleteThat was only a glitch - now you can buy them for 85 starcoins :)